Link to more information about the Safely Home program designed for those with Alzheimer’s disease to help find the person who is lost and assist in a safe return home.
Help at Home
Supporting & Caring for Caregivers
Link to article & podcast discussing how caregivers cope.
Ontario Telemedicine
Link to information about video conferencing helping Ontarians get more out of the health care system by bridging the distance of time and geography to bring more patients the care they need, where and when they need it.
National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute
Link to information regarding heart, lung and blood for patients, health professionals & educators.
Services for Seniors in Renfrew
Link to programs and services for seniors in the Renfrew Area.
Cardiac Care Network of Ontario
Link to information regarding cardiac services & heart health.
Heart Surgery Information
Link to helpful information for recovery after heart surgery.
American Heart Association
Link to the American Heart Association providing a wide range of cardiovascular health & stroke topics.
Heart Information Network
Link to information about heart disease.
Renfrew Seniors Activities
Link to information regarding Renfrew Senior’s Activities.
Renfrew Seniors
Information for Renfrew Seniors Group.
Tips for Insomnia
Article discussing tips to overcome insomnia for seniors.