Located in picturesque Parry Sound, Lakeland features a state-of-the-art long term care residence. Designed to ensure the comfort and safety of residents in a home-like environment, the well appointed amenities and host of recreational activities provide for a warm and friendly atmosphere, while the services of skilled and caring staff enhance quality of life with […]
Future Needs
Belvedere Heights Long Term Care
Providing the best view of Georgian Bay the facility offers residents pleasant dining facilities, warm and inviting lounges, chapel, activities centers, garden sun rooms, private family dining room, patios, tuck shop, outdoor gardens, and much much more.
Centre for Stroke Recovery
Through the Centre for Stroke Recovery, researchers working at different locations share knowledge and collaborate on research initiatives.
Stroke Recovery Canada
Stroke Recovery Canada® is a national service offering support, education and community programs for stroke survivors, their caregivers and families.
Stroke Best Practices Site
The Canadian Best Practice Recommendations for Stroke Care is a joint initiative of the Canadian Stroke Network and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.
Heart and Stroke Foundation
Since 1952, the Heart and Stroke Foundation has been working to reduce the toll of heart disease and stroke and tangibly improve the health of all Canadians.
Canadian Stroke Network
The Canadian Stroke Network’s mission is to reduce the impact of stroke on Canadians through collaborations that create valuable new knowledge in stroke; to ensure the best knowledge is applied; and to build Canadian capacity in stroke.
Community Living Parry Sound
Adult Respite Services (ARS) contractor providers support families that are caring for an adult family member with a physical/developmental disability. Respite services allow families to obtain relief from their care giving role and to promote and maintain the integration of the family unit.
Meals on Wheels
For those who need help with meals or an occasional break or for individuals who are at nutritional risk in the Parry Sound area. The Meals on Wheels Program is a voluntary community service for individuals who are unable to prepare meals.